So, umm, yeah, I don't blog often. You've probably noticed. Seriously, look at the "Archives" widget on the right (or left, depending on what stylesheet you've chosen for this site) and you'll see there's basically nothing since 2007. I really just don't have much to write, haha. I eventually want to write a page about me for the homepage here, but I guess my MySpace and Facebook profiles are serving that purpose right now. In any case, my sister has a blog, which you should all go read. Unlike me, she has a talent for writing, and I promise you that her blog is a lot more exciting than mine. Go subscribe to her too. And send her lots of spam (well, okay, maybe not the spam, but do all the other things. 😛 ). Also, check out my friend Ben's new blog ""

While I'm on the topic of blogs (including this one), it's interesting thing to note, my "37 things a girl probably doesn’t know about a guy" blog post is still by far the most popular/accessed. And it wasn't even mine, it was just copied and pasted from a MySpace bulletin. Maybe one day I'll write something similar, with my own thoughts on it. I guess. Speaking of random stuff that gets passed around, I keep getting tagged in those "12/20/38/50/100/whatever Things About Me" notes on Facebook, haven't done any yet though. I suppose I might do one of those one day. It's hard to think of that many things about myself, though. And I also try to avoid those chain things anyways. But one day someone will be like "OMG DANIEL YOU HAVEN'T DONE THOSE ANNOYING CHAIN THINGS, I HATE YOU LALALALALALA RAWRRRRRR" and I'll be like "OH FINE >_<" and do it. 😛

So anyways, what's been up with me, apart from avoiding chain "random stuff about me" Facebook forwards?? Well, Valentines Day came and went... I bought my amazing friend Ciera some flowers and a valentines day teddy... She loves them both 😄. I wanted to do something special, seeing as this year's the first year I've considered buying something for someone 😛. Apart from that, I haven't been doing all that much. Over the last few weeks, I worked on a few programming projects, then got bored of that and stopped working on them xD. Nothing much apart from that, just the usual chatting on Windows Live Messenger, and browsing Digg,, and some other sites.

I go back to university on Monday... Second year of Professional Software Development at Swinburne University, should be fun 😃. No usability this semester! Although I reeeeeeeeeeally hope that we don't have a subject that's as bad as Usability was, HIT2308 Software Development Practices looks like it'll be just as bad as Usability 😢. And I have that THIS SEMESTER. We'll have to see if it's bad. I blame you (yes, whoever's reading this) if it is. You're evil 😦

For now, I'll leave you with this video clip by GoRemy:

❤️ GoRemy

And here is a remix of "Break Up" by Kim Sozzi that I started at the start of January:

[wpaudio url=""]

Here's the MP3, if you want it (not that you would, it's not too good 😛)

Well, that's all for now. Have fun browsing your internets.

— Daniel

Tags nothing better to post, psd, swinburne, valentines day, valentines

Short URL for sharing: This entry was posted on 27th February 2009 and is filed under University, Relationships. You can leave a comment if you'd like to, or subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up-to-date with all my latest blog posts!


  1. Avatar for Will Will said:

    You should make a new theme for the blog. You need something exciting. omg i could help you... Actually, no. I'm retarded.

    1. Avatar for Daniel15 Daniel15 said:

      Hehe, nah, I'm fine with this theme for now :)
      It was the first "proper" design I did from scratch.

      I'm sure you're better than me at it though, I'm sure you're not "retarded". :P